Plant Sale

Plant Sale

 The Pikes Peak Koi & Water Garden Society 2025 Plant Sale

Click Here for a Map to the Sale

1263 Shrider Road, CS, CO 80920

The Pikes Peak Koi & Water Garden Society holds an annual water plant sale on the first Saturday, each June, or the last weekend in May that is not a holiday.  This sale is a major fundraiser for the society and most of the plants offered in this sale are donated by PPKWGS members.  

Club members can help out in several ways such as donating extra plants and helping with the workshop and sale.  Contact Bob Oatman at (719) 465-6731 or email the Plant Sale Coordinator if you are interested in helping out with the sale or to donate plants.

Do you need some plants for your pond?  We have them!

The sale opens to current paid PPKWGS members at 9:30 AM and to the general public at 10:00 AM.  The sale will continue while plant supplies last or until 2:00 PM.  Many plant varieties sell out quickly so come early. 

Click Plant List to look at our full list of plants in our plant database.

From now until the day of the sale items and prices are subject to change without notice.

Remember quantities are limited and when they are gone, they are gone...

Click here for a photo album of the event.

You must be logged in to access the PLANT SALE WISH LIST.

Our next plant sale will occur on Sat, May 31, 2025 10:00 AM to Sat, May 31, 2025 2:00 PM

View Plant Sale List - 2024
Remember, this year’s list will not be final until the night before the plant sale