3rd Member Meeting for 2014

Meeting Date Thu, Jun 12, 2014 7:00 PM - Thu, Jun 12, 2014 9:00 PM

The Pikes Peak Water Garden Society meetings are held every 2nd Thursday from April to October.  Most meetings start at 7:00 PM and wrap up around 9:00 to 9:30 PM.

This year our meetings will once again be held at the Mountain View Church of Christ located at 1080 East La Salle Street.  This is at the west end of Constitution Avenue on the southwest corner.

Enter through the east door on the north side of the church.

To see a map of the meeting location, click on the Link Below.

Mountain View Church of Christ

Meeting Minutes

Club Minutes from May 8th, 2014
Pikes Peak Water Garden Society
May Club Member Meeting

There were 43 members present.

The May meeting was held at Mountain View Church of Christ in Colorado Springs CO.

Dick Throckmorton called the meeting to order at 7:10PM.

Dick welcomed our guests and asked for a show of hands based on membership number groups. We still have lots of members with low numbers.

Dick introduced the Members of the Board and Event Coordinators.

Tom Taylor briefly discussed the pond tour and the need for exhibitors.

Cheri presented the Treasurers Report. We have $378.70 in checking and $2617.91 in savings for total club funds of $2997.35.

Jean Susemihl and Bob Oatman described this weekend’s upcoming workshop that the Sacred Hearts Retreat trying to get additional volunteers.

Jean noted that several mailed newsletters had been returned and asked that individuals that didn’t receive their paper newsletter to get in touch with her, as the mailing address may be incorrect.

Jean also gave a brief introduction to next month’s club meeting topic on noxious weeds.

Bev Kratzer described the upcoming plant sale and workshop, looking for volunteers and member plant contributions. The workshop is on the 29th at 6:30pm and the plant sale volunteers should arrive around 8-8:30am for the plant sale which begins at 9:30am on the 31st. Bev modeled a new green vest which the volunteers will wear during the sale.

Bob Oatman then spoke about our 25th Annual Pond Tour. By the end of the meeting we had 6 families’ signed up as exhibitors and are looking for about a dozen. Cathy Hula suggested advertising in Mountain View Electrics magazine.

This evenings’ topic was coverage of the many plants we will have available at the plant sale. Bob introduced Suzy Oligmueller who is a long time club member and owner of the Water’s Edge. Suzy had brought along all the plants that she will making available at the plant sale. She described the pros and cons of each of the plants while we projected an image of the full grown plant on the screen. Members were give an “Interest” form that they could fill out and return showing their interest in having each of the plants and their desire to reserve certain plants at the sale. The reserved plants will be held back for the members until 10:00am. If the member hasn’t purchased the plant by 10:00am the plant will be made available for sale to the general public. At the conclusion of the presentation Suzy was given a certificate of appreciation for all she has done for the club over many years.

Door prizes were given out as follows;
Lee Martin – Wanvisa Potted Lily, Michelle Ditto – Floating Island, Kathy Huffman – Cotton Grass, Tony D’Amico – Taro, Shelia Evans – Fish statue, Ken Rozema – Water Dock, Bev Kratzer – Red Leaf Plantain, Russ Huffman – Water Plantain, Shirley Weaver – Candle Holder, Mary Bucher – Water Cress, John Jackson – Pickerel Rush. Then Suzy suggested that any family that had not yet received a door prize could have a remaining plant, so several additional plants were given out.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:45PM
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Oatman