Sixth meeting for 2013

Meeting Date Thu, Sep 12, 2013 7:00 PM - Thu, Sep 12, 2013 9:00 PM

will be our sixth meeting for 2013.

The Pikes Peak Water Garden Society meetings are held every 2nd Thursday from April to October.  Most meetings start at 7:00 PM and wrap up around 9:00 to 9:30 PM.

This year our meetings will once again be held at the Mountain View Church of Christ located at 1080 East La Salle Street.  This is at the west end of Constitution Avenue on the southwest corner.

Enter through the east door on the north side of the church.

To see a map of the meeting location, click on the Link Below.

Mountain View Church of Christ

Meeting Minutes

Pikes Peak Water Garden Society
September Club Member Meeting
12 September, 2013

Septembers Club Meeting was opened by President Dick Throckmorton at 7:20PM at Mt. View Church of Christ.

There were 18 members present at this month’s meeting. This was a VERY rainy evening which might be why the turnout was so low.

Dick noted that he is still looking for someone to take over the position as Newsletter Editor.

Dick noted that the board had been debating over raising the membership dues by $10 for those members that still wish to receive a paper copy of the newsletter. Printing and mailing the newsletter is one of the clubs largest expenses. Quite a bit of discussion ensued with several suggestions.
Simply raise the membership by $5 for everyone. This membership fee has not increased since the club was originally founded.
Email a link directly to the newsletter that does not require logging into our website.
Make the newsletter public so that anyone can view it and login is not required.
Bring the paper copies of the newsletter to the meeting, so that those that want it can wait to get it then, or they can view it from the website at their convenience.
Only 3 of the present members were receiving the newsletter in paper form. Of those 3, two said that they would be willing to pay the extra $10.

The next Board Meeting will be at Dick’s house next Tuesday (9/17/13) and is open to all members.

Cheri presented the Treasurers report. We presently have $2,137.57 in checking and $2,616.73 in savings, for total club funds of $ 4,754.43.

Dick opened the floor for new nominations to the board. There were no new nominations. We presently have 3 positions open and 3 candidates (Tom Taylor, Bob Oatman, and Mark Wittrup). The election of board members was delayed until next month’s meeting because there were so few people present at this month’s meeting. So there is still time to nominate yourself to the board if you wish to get more involved.

Ron Bissonnette then presented the evening’s topic of “Preparing Your Pond for Winter”. Ron had a slideshow showing how to get you pond ready for winter, and several images of different enclosures that members have built to cover their ponds.

Next month’s meeting will begin early at 6:30PM and will be our annual picnic. The club will offer BBQ, potato salad, beans, cornbread, rolls, and salad makings. We will begin with a short meeting, then dig in. If you plan to attend please email Dick at with your intention to attend. If you wish you can also bring a dish to share. Please email Cheri with what you wish to share at .

This coming Saturday (9/14/13) at 9:00am will be our first fall workshop at the Sacred Hearts Retreat. The following Saturday (9/21/13) will be our fall workshop at the Union Printers Home. Please email Jean Susemihl at with your intention to participate. (LATE BREAKING UPDATE – BOTH WORKSHOPS HAVE BEEN DELAYED ONE WEEK DO TO WEATHER.)

Tom Taylor gave a short presentation on how to determine concentrations of chemicals in your water gardening. He suggested going to the website CNYKOI.COM to use their calculators.

Door Prizes
Cathy Wittrup - Floating Turtle
Lynn Rozema - Wind Chime
Cheri Richardson - Sculpture
Bob Oatman - Greeting Cards
Michelle Meyer - Wind Chime
Beverly Kratzer - Plant
Betty Bissonnette - Plant
Tom Taylor - Plant
Ken Rozema - Plant
Kay Jackson - Plant

Meeting adjourned at 9:00PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Oatman