Second meeting for 2013
Meeting Date | Thu, May 9, 2013 7:00 PM - Thu, May 9, 2013 9:00 PM |
will be the second meeting for 2013
Pikes Peak Water Garden Society meetings are held every 2nd Thursday from April
to October. Most meetings start at 7:00 PM and wrap up around 9:00 to
9:30 PM.
year our meetings will once again be held at the Mountain View Church of Christ
located at 1080 East La Salle Street. This is at the west end of
Constitution Avenue on the southwest corner.
through the east door on the north side of the church.
To see a
map of the meeting location, click on the Link Below.
View Church of Christ
Meeting Minutes
Pikes Peak Water Garden Society
May Club Member Meeting
9 May, 2013
May’s club meeting was opened by President Dick Throckmorton at 7:10PM at Mt. View Church of Christ.
There were 38 members present at this month’s meeting.
Dick began by introducing the PPWGS Board Members and Event Coordinators.
Lynn will be helping Betty at the Fund Raising Table.
Mark volunteered to coordinate the Koi Auction.
Dick mentioned that we will be having a Gadgets Night.
Cheri Richardson gave the Treasurers Report. We have $208.25 in checking, and $2,610.73 in savings for total club funds of $2818.98.
Upcoming events were discussed.
Sacred Hearts Retreat Workshop Saturday May 18th.
Plant Sale Workshop Thursday May 30th.
Plant Sale June 1st.
Koi Auction July 11th
Pond Tour July 27th and 28th.
Still need a coordinator.
Dick mentioned the paid advertisers we have in the newsletter.
Bob Oatman described the clean out of the Union Printers pond along with a picture slideshow.
Dick introduced Suzy Oligmueller who gave a very interesting presentation about “Aquatic Plants + Service”. She then opened the floor for a question and answer period.
Dick presented the idea of having a Summertime Picnic at someone’s house or a park, rather than our Fall Member Picnic. There wasn’t much discussion leaning one way or the other. Mark suggested that we have both.
A meeting topic on Hydroponic Gardening was suggested. Suzy knew a person named Dean Lind that might be interested in presenting to the club. She will follow up with him.
Door Prizes were then drawn. Suzy Oligmueller had donated several plants and other items as door prizes.
Kirk Messinger - Lilly
Allen Burkidye – Floating Ring
Lucile Redding – Ornament
Jock Schwank – Net
Earl Brown – Rain Gauge
Diane Lake – Plant
Lynn Rozema – Plant
Seth Hale – Floating Frog
Dick Williams – Dog Ornament
Greg Gutierrez – Plant
Virgil Redding – Plant
Linda Burbridge – Bird House
Ida Fraser – Gloves and filter bacteria starter
Meeting adjourned at 8:35PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Oatman