Sequence Pumps and Winterization

Meeting Date Thu, Sep 11, 2008 7:00 PM - Thu, Sep 11, 2008 9:00 PM

will be our sixth and final meeting for 2008. The program will be a presentation by a representative of Sequence Pumps, which are made right here in Colorado Springs. Come and see what is available. Following the Swquence presentation, there will be a discussion on closing your pond for the winter. Reinforce old ideas, learn new ones, about how to protect your ponds, plants and fish from our cold Colorado winters.

The Pikes Peak Water Garden Society meetings are held every 2nd Thursday from April to October.  Most meetings start at 7:00 PM and wrap up around 9:00 to 9:30 PM.

This year our meetings will once again be held at the Mountain View Church of Christ located at 1080 East La Salle Street.  This is at the west end of Constitution Avenue on the southwest corner.

Enter through the east door on the north side of the church.

To see a map of the meeting location, click on the Link Below.

Mountain View Church of Christ

Meeting Minutes

Pikes Peak Water Garden Society
Club Meeting Minutes
14 Aug, 2008
PPWGS Club meeting opened at 7:30 PM by Vice-President Jerry Hunter at Mt. View Church of Christ.
Tonight’s topic was to be about Sequence Pumps. The guest speaker was not available for the present. A sequence pump was donated to the club as a door price. This topic will be scheduled again sometime in the future.
Mary Bucher gave the financial report to members.
Betty Bissonnette briefed members about the picnic scheduled for the last membership meeting in October. A signup sheet was available for members to sign-up for the event. Members were asked to bring a dessert. The club funds will cover the BBQ meal.
Kirk Messinger, club librarian, is working with the web master in establishing a library on the web site for available books to check out. He also stated that he has available the PBS broadcast segment of Bob Winkler’s pond.
Loran XXX discussed the upcoming evening tour that was tentatively scheduled for September’s club meeting. September’s meeting has traditional covered pond winterization. Most members were in favor of changing the tour to the following Saturday, 13 Sep 08. More details to follow in the upcoming newsletter and September’s meeting. There members volunteered to participate in the tour. An inquiry will be made to see what the cost is for renting several buses for the tour. This would eliminate a large amount of cars meeting at each location.
Steve Carson provided details concerning the last pond tour weekend. Most participants had approximately 500 folks visiting their ponds. This was a lighter turnout compared to last year most likely due to higher fuel costs. He also briefed on the number of web site hits. A considerable increase in the number of hits on the site was noted due to the pond tour. Next year’s 20 Anniversary Pond Tour will occur every weekend in the month of July. Each weekends tour may consist of all ponds in a particular sector of the city such as NE,SE,SW, and NW. More details to come. All members, even the one that had their ponds on the tour this year will be eligible to be on the tour next year.
More than 500 pounds of Koi food was order through Greg Gutierrez. Moe orders can be taken for fall food.
An announcement was made for members to help with set-up and tear-down for the meeting at the church. The help after the meeting was great.
Three board member positions are opening up at the end of the season. The following members were nominated:
Ron Bissonnette
Peggy Botos
Greg Gutierrez
Robert Lammon
Elections will be held at October’s Club meeting.

The following members won tonight’s door prizes:

Sequence Pump – Tom Taylor
Small Koi (Blackwater Koi) – Phil Goulding, Jock Schwank, Dick Throckmorton
Club T-shirt – Peggy Botos
Club mouse pad – Shelley Weber
Ferilizer tabs – Ken Jackson, Peg Kohl

The meeting concluded at 9:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Robert Lammon