Landscape Lighting

Meeting Date Thu, Jun 14, 2007 7:00 PM - Thu, Jun 14, 2007 9:00 PM

will be the scheduled presentation is on Landscape Lighting. Cliff Miller, a certified landscaping specialist, will give a presentation covering basic consumer lighting systems available at home improvement centers compaired to those installed by professional companies.

The Pikes Peak Water Garden Society meetings are held every 2nd Thursday from April to October.  Most meetings start at 7:00 PM and wrap up around 9:00 to 9:30 PM.

This year our meetings will once again be held at the Mountain View Church of Christ located at 1080 East La Salle Street.  This is at the west end of Constitution Avenue on the southwest corner.

Enter through the east door on the north side of the church.

To see a map of the meeting location, click on the Link Below.

Mountain View Church of Christ

Meeting Minutes

Pikes Peak Water Garden Society
General Club Meeting Minutes
June, 14 2007

Meeting called to order at about 7:45 PM by Bob Pollock, President, at the Mt. View Church of Christ.

Mary presented the treasurer’s report. The plant sale netted $5727. With deposits and expenses, the club’s checking account balance is $5786.32. Saving account had a balance of 3931.29. The total club balance is $9718.61. The clubs financial books are available for review.

The main subject for June’s meeting was Landscape Lighting, Cliff Miller, a certified landscaping specialist, gave a presentation that covered basic consumer lighting systems available at home improvement centers to those installed by professional companies.
He also provided tips as to what to look for if hiring an installer for the light systems. After general questions were answered, Cliff show a demo on lighting effects outside against various objects, such as shadowing against the building and different effects on trees and plants.

Jamie, this year’s Pond Tour coordinated, is looking for about four to five more members that would like to showcase their ponds July 28 and 29. Several members did add themselves to the list

Door prize winners:

Lady Bug Dick Thruckmorton
Conna Plant Dean Beukema
Water Lily Dave Kratzer
Lynn Rozema
Pot Holder Levi Foster
Azolla Plant Elizabeth Hensen
Celeste Perkins
Mari Martin
Robert Lammon
Taro Plant Wayne Hume
Jan Foster
Ron Bosinette
Allen Burbik
Beu Kratzer
Tina Coppin
John Coppin
Carol Hunter
Olga Polyanskiy
Phil Goulding
Linda Burbidge
Jeff Van Bemden
Julie Evans
Robert Kennedy
Greg Gutierrez
Fish Platter Loren Yukawa

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Robert Lammon,