Member filters and how they work
Meeting Date | Thu, Aug 10, 2006 7:00 PM - Thu, Aug 10, 2006 9:00 PM |
will be the fifth meeting for 2006. The main topic will be member filters and how they work. The meeting will be open to include questions about filters and other water garden topics.
Pikes Peak Water Garden Society meetings are held every 2nd Thursday from April
to October. Most meetings start at 7:00 PM and wrap up around 9:00 to
9:30 PM.
year our meetings will once again be held at the Mountain View Church of Christ
located at 1080 East La Salle Street. This is at the west end of
Constitution Avenue on the southwest corner.
through the east door on the north side of the church.
To see a
map of the meeting location, click on the Link Below.
View Church of Christ
Meeting Minutes
Pikes Peak Water Garden Society
General Club Meeting Minutes
August 10, 2006
Meeting called to order at about 7:45 PM by Bob Pollock, President, at the Holy Cross Church.
Dick presented the treasurer’s report. The Club has 913.78 in checking and 6,640.95 in savings; total Club funds of 7,554.73.
There was an overall review of the great success of this year’s pond tour. Many ponds had in excess of 2,000 visitors. A Ms. Smith from Minnesota sent the club a $25 donation out of appreciation for the tour. Many thanks to all who participated and volunteered to help making it a success.
Current new members and renewals will complete this year and all of next.
Steve showed the impressive results of the pond tour’s effect on the web page and the web site’s effect on the tour. An estimated 900+ maps were printed from the web in addition to 200+ handed out manually. Web map use resulted in a huge savings to the Club. The new PHOTOS link will show an album of the tour.
Ron introduced the evening’s topic of filters and filtration. Several members also showed slides of their filtration efforts. Bob presented detailed information on the nitrogen cycle, illustrating the need for good filtration. Examples were given of various media and system applications.
Door prizes were given out as follows (not entirely accurate…a slight name/gift snafu):
Steve – media bag
Barb B. – pond tabs
Hope – pond tabs
Steve Seder – filter pad start
Phil Golding – Green taro
Lynn d. – pond tabs
Tim Evans – filter media
Ken Rozema – Lilypons pond vac
Nancy C. – frog feeder
Diane Lehman – Lottery ticket
Yellow iris was handed out to all who wanted them. Ed gave away some bullfrog tadpoles.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Mary Bucher,