Prospect Lake construction project
Meeting Date | Thu, Aug 11, 2005 7:00 PM - Thu, Aug 11, 2005 9:00 PM |
will be the date of our fifth meeting for 2005. Mike Bartusek of John Bowman, Inc. will present a slide presentation about the Prospect Lake construction project.
Pikes Peak Water Garden Society meetings are held every 2nd Thursday from April
to October. Most meetings start at 7:00 PM and wrap up around 9:00 to
9:30 PM.
year our meetings will once again be held at the Mountain View Church of Christ
located at 1080 East La Salle Street. This is at the west end of
Constitution Avenue on the southwest corner.
through the east door on the north side of the church.
To see a
map of the meeting location, click on the Link Below.
View Church of Christ
Meeting Minutes
Pikes Peak Water Garden Society
General Meeting Minutes
August 11, 2005
Meeting called to order at 7:34 PM by Bob Pollock, President, at the Mountain View Church of Christ. 84 people were in attendance.
Bob – thanked everyone for being on the Pond Tour.
Dick – thanked everyone for being on the Pond Tour then presented the treasurers report, currently the club has $8,820.32 total club funds. The Koi auction actually made money this year.
Ron - thanks for the support. Membership numbers are not reused and this month we went to over 600 memberships. All new members attending should stop by and pick up a newsletter.
Betty - has new pots for sale.
Bob – should stop fertilizing mid August.
Betty – has flyers for the Waters Edge plant sale
Ron – Colorado Water Garden Society event to tour Denver Botanical water gardens Saturday August 13th from 9 to 4.
Steve – again thanked everyone for being on the pond tour. Exhibitors reported between 300 and 600 visitors. Bob said maybe up to 800. 260 map packages were printed and 215 were passed out. 509 map packages were reviewed and most likely printed from the website. This represented a savings of $275 for map packages that were not printed. The web site also had double the pages visited with 3984 pages in July up from June total of 1970 pages.
Ron – Rocky Mountain Koi Show is August 20th and 21st from 9 to 4.
Dick – Canyon City Pond Tour is this Saturday, August 13th from 9 to 4.
Bob – time for board nominations for this year. Bob, Betty and Steve are up for reelection. Nominations were made for Mary Bucher, Steve Carson, Bob Pollock, Ron Bissonnette, and Kari Martin.
Bob – introduced the evenings speaker, Mike Bartusek.
Prospect Lake was built in 1890 as a clay bottom pond of 35 acres and grew to 50 acres today.
In 1905 the lake was stocked with Bass and Trout.
In the winter of 1936 the lake was the site of a carnival on the lake.
The bath house was build in 1977.
In the 50’s the lake was relined with clay that was moved from one area to the leaky area.
This lake has no inlet and no outlet.
Water seepage was going in all directions and could not be captured by a well that was drilled in the south parking lot. Recovered only 20 gallons per minute.
Study found that water loss was 40% evaporation and 60% seepage.
The lowest cost was a 30 mill PVC liner covered with clay.
Contractor had 2 to 6 people picking up glass and other foreign objects as the dirt was moved.
The surface was then rolled flat and the PVC laid over the smooth surface with a tera liner over the top to help protect. One foot of clay was then rolled over the liner and in some places up to two feet of clay was packed down.
Prospect Lake has two class 2 dams that have the possibility of destruction of houses and property. Each dam has a 6 foot slope for each foot of rise. Everywhere else in the lake for each 4 foot of slope has one foot of rise.
Job was awarded to the lowest bidder that was best qualified. Each contractor was required to have laid a minimum of 10 million square feet of PVC. The prospect lake project was 2.4 million square feet of PVC.
During the job the black PVC temperature was recorded at 160 degrees. Each roll was 75 feet wide and 150 feet long. They used 190 rolls and each roll weighted 1500 pounds.
Vandals took a 20 by 20 foot piece off of a roll and another 25 by 25 foot piece was taken out of a piece that was rolled out.
The lake is being filled with 3.2 million gallons per day using a 10 inch pipe and is expected to be filled by memorial day. After summer an 8 inch line will be used to capture water from Monument creek. Currently this water is being used for lawn sprinklers for the neighborhood.
The lake was lined in the same shore line as before except where the tree roots existed. A special trough was created to allow the roots to still get water as before.
All new sand was hauled in for the beach.
In the middle of the lake was a very mushy area. This area was covered with a Geogrid for soil reinforcement application.
Some areas of the lake are up to a foot less in depth and some areas are up to 5 or 6 feet deeper. The deepest part is 20 feet in depth.
The Department Of Wildlife will stalk again in the spring with Bass, Bluegill, and Trout. When the lake was drained about 4,000 pounds of fish were relocated and not much plant life existed.
The project cost $2.1 million and the PVC liner came from Colorado Liners in Denver.
The lake only has 35 acres of drainage for a 50 acre lake which is not normal.
There were 17 guns found on the lake bottom most on the south area.
The surface area is about 6,067 feet in elevation.
Started filling the lake the 12th of July but had to delay until the project was completed. A total of 160 million gallons will be required to fill the lake.
Project was over budget by 10% because of the mushy area requiring the Geogrids. The completion was still with in one week of the target date that included a week of rain delay.
Door prizes were given to the following:
Goldfish spinner to Gregg Steadman Frog Crossing to Judy Weaver
Purple Iris to Jody Corbett, Ron Bissonnette, Marilyn Steadman Corey Taylor and Julie Evans
Graceful Cattail to Lynn Rozema and Kari Martin
Water lily Book to Mike York Bulb Book to Bev Kratzer and Iris Lucke
Wild Lawns Book to Rose Carson Wild Garden Book to Frank Fraser
Dictionary of Plant Names to Jennifer Bowers
Respectfully submitted
Steve Carson