Club Meeting with speaker Tamara Kilbane from the Denver Botanic Gardens

Meeting Date Thu, May 19, 2016 7:00 PM - Thu, May 19, 2016 9:00 PM

Join us for a presentation by Tamara Kilbane, Senior Horticulturist - Aquatics, from the Denver Botanic Gardens. She will be discussing Lotus propagation and lead a open question and answer session.

The Pikes Peak Water Garden Society meetings are held every 2nd Thursday from April to October.  Most meetings start at 7:00 PM and wrap up around 9:00 to 9:30 PM.

This year our meetings will once again be held at the Mountain View Church of Christ located at 1080 East La Salle Street.  This is at the west end of Constitution Avenue on the southwest corner.

Enter through the east door on the north side of the church.

To see a map of the meeting location, click on the Link Below.

Mountain View Church of Christ

Meeting Minutes

April 19, 2016
39 people attended the meeting
Treasurer’s Report read by Dick Throckmorton $1062.14 in Checking, $2648.70 in Savings, for Total funds $3710.84.
Bob talked about some of our workshops and events – Union Printers workshop and presentations and Phelan Gardens on 4-23-2016 and Summerland Gardens on 4-30-2016 upcoming events – the plant sale and workshop. Bev Kratzer will be the coordinator and encouraged everyone to bring donations to the workshop on Thursday May 26th at 6:00. The plant sale will be Saturday May 30th at 10:00am. Members will be allowed to shop ½ hr. early. The Koi auction will be July 14 and the Pond tour will be July 30th and 31st.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER and special guest is Tamara Kilbane, Senior Horticulturist, Aquatics from the Denver Botanical Gardens speaking on “Lovely Lotus”. She is also on the board of the Denver Water Garden Society.
Tamara talked about some of the history and the propagation of the lotus as food and spirituality and religious symbolisms and how it has inspired architecture in China. As well as the lotus inspired technology called the lotus effect and self-cleaning inspired products. Some pests of the lotus are Canadian Geese because they eat the roots and tubers and destroy the plants. Aphids are a problem late in the season, but can be easily sprayed off with water. The caterpillar of the China milk moth is also destructive. After her presentation there was a question and answer session. The entire meeting was very informative and fun was had by all. Tamara donated a lotus tuber from DBG as a door prize.
Lotus Tuber – Cheri Richardson Pruning Tools – Paul Shannon
Small pot – Linda Burbidge Turtle Figurine – Lucille Redding
Kio – Tony D’Amico Wall Planter – Bev Kratzer
Kio – Lanelle Williams Marlin Figurine – Bill Weaver