Koi Auction and Pizza Party BEGINNING AT 6:30PM

Meeting Date Thu, Jul 9, 2015 7:00 PM - Thu, Jul 9, 2015 9:00 PM

Join us for pizza and some spirited bidding on Koi. This meeting is always a lot of fun! THIS MEETING BEGINS AT 6:30 PM FOR THE PIZZA PARTY!

The Pikes Peak Water Garden Society meetings are held every 2nd Thursday from April to October.  Most meetings start at 7:00 PM and wrap up around 9:00 to 9:30 PM.

This year our meetings will once again be held at the Mountain View Church of Christ located at 1080 East La Salle Street.  This is at the west end of Constitution Avenue on the southwest corner.

Enter through the east door on the north side of the church.

To see a map of the meeting location, click on the Link Below.

Mountain View Church of Christ

Meeting Minutes

MAY 15, 2015

17 People attended this meeting
TREASURERS REPORT: By Dick Throckmorten presented by Cheri Richardson
Begin checking balance $649.19
Deposits $353.00
Checks $793.60
End Checking balance $208.59
Savings deposit $ .22
Ending Savings balance $2646.09
TOTAL PPWGS funds $2854.68 *
Price of fertilizer tabs will go up to $5.00 per bag due to cost increase from supplier
Union Printers pond is done. Plants on east side of pond were repotted and fertilized but the west side was just fertilized due to lack of time and bad weather conditions.
Plant sale donations requested and discussed the workshop on May 28th. The plant sale will be held on May 30th in the rear parking lot of Union Printers home. Bob will send an e-mail to everyone who was ever a member to generate interest in plant sale. Price of plants we buy from Suzy has gone up slightly.
Spring Spree was discussed and sign-up sheet was passed around. Application fee is$200.00 for the 2day event and the deadline is June 1. Dates for event are June 13 & 14. We will have a banner printed for this event. Some suggestions for the booth were to have a raffle (free) for people to win a lily or koi or some other plant. They could put their name in a fish bowl (put their name and phone # or email on paper) for a drawing and we would contact them later.
MAIN PRESENTATION: Bev Kratzer presented edible water plants (donated by Suzy O.)
Alot of water plants we already have in our gardens are edible, for example the lotus plant – all parts are edible and have many medicinal and spiritual significance. Some other plants that were mentioned were the aquatic mint, spinach, water cress, taro, lotus, water chestnuts, chives (alium), lemon balm, water hyssop, sorrel, sweet flag, cattail, pickerel rush, chameleon plant, and the spilanthes (tooth ache plant). Many plants were available to taste and touch. Many were impressed with the effects of the spilanthes plant, they said it made their mouth tingle.
References: Lillieswatergardens.co.uk/blog/index.php
A spontaneous plant auction of the plants broke out and raised $67.25 for the PPWGS.
And fun was had by all!!!
Door Prizes Rich Gibson – Kio
Lucille Redding – small fish figurine
Mary Bucher - passed
Linda Burbidge – Kio